Hi, I’m Greg, founder of NextStep [F&B] Studio, we help brands and companies who need to learn about the new F&B trends & innovations from China and Asia. and see how this can help them.
The FoodTech Confidential Newsletter is my way to share what’s shaking the Food and Beverage industry with F&B professionals, FMCG experts, Tech entrepreneurs, and Investors with a focus on China, and, Asia.
Every post, here below, is full of links to various sources, visit them to know more about each particular topic.
I believe this should give you some ideas to get your business prepared for what’s to come.

1- 🛵 Food delivery platforms will have to rethink their business model
2- 💫 What does Chinese Gen-Z really really want?
3- ☕ Yet another coffee chain entering China…
4- 🍻 Do you think there is a market for a $200 USD bottle of beer?
5- 🌱 It looks like it is not easy to get people to switch to plant-based, but maybe it should start where the locals eat.
6- 🍜 Hundreds of millions of instant noodles are sold every year, but what if they could just be better for you, and the environment?
7-🧑🍳 Are you wondering how ghost kitchen businesses are reaching their numbers? Well, now, maybe (with this post), you could too!
8-🏅 There might be something better than loyalty points to keep your customers.
Now, let’s jump right in!